Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bring it on!

As both the month and the year ends, I can't help but wonder what the new year will bring. Thinking about it, I may be a bit over committed as these are the new commitments that I'm adding to my plate for the first half of the year starting in January (keep in mind, I also work full time, and I'm not including anything for the 2nd half of the year):

  • Training for a half-marathon even though I still can't run
  • Taking not one, but two graduate level courses!  Eek, what was I thinking?!?
  • Participating in a women's Bible study
  • Participating in a 365 project, aka one photo a day for a full year
  • Fitting in visits to OH to see my mom
  • Planning a trip to CA to see Son graduate

It's going to be an interesting year! 

Here is my thinking: life is meant to be lived to the fullest. None of us really know how much more time we have on this earth. It may seem like I'm taking on a lot, but if not now, when?  It's certainly not going to get any easier as time goes on and I have no intention of living my life on the sideline. So I say, bring it on!

Best wishes to everyone in the upcoming year.  Whatever you decide to take on as a personal challenge or goal, I encourage you to give it your all.


  1. Utterly agree with your thinking... life is too short and throws unexpected curve balls to not just go and grab it... but as for taking on TWO graduate courses... blimey!!! ;) you go girl!

    1. perhaps i'm an overachiever. I need to take a total of 4 courses this year. i'm planning on two during spring, one during summer, and one during fall. spring should be the hardest because i'm taking 2 and because i haven't been in school since...forever ago!

  2. What a great post! Happy new year Lisa!

  3. I love your sentiment that we don't know how much time we have so...as long as you are enjoying all of your commitments and not feeling overwhelmed go for it!!

  4. I love your attitude - just go out and grab as much life as you can and hang on for the ride. Happy 2014!

    1. Hanging on. Hopefully won't get dragged along, but will be steering somewhat. Hahahah.

  5. I love your attitude! Go get those goals! You're going to rock them! Happy New Year!

  6. That is definitely a good list of goals! I've decided to join you in the 365 project (thanks for alerting me to the idea!) - I suspect I may not upload photos daily, but will definitely be aiming to shoot one, at least, each day to share. Good luck with all your other goals!

    1. YAY!!! I replied personally with details on the 365 group. I hope you join the group on flickr.

    2. Thanks so much! I've just joined :) I also created an account with the 365 project (http://365project.org/bitesizedthoughts/365) so will see how I go with posting in two places - may just switch to the Flickr group eventually. I'll enjoy following your pictures!

  7. Love all your goals. They all sound like fun and why not aim high!?

  8. You are going to have a great year! I love how you are training right now, you are bad ass!!

  9. I love the idea of the photo a day. I haven't used Flickr and feel I have enough social media going for now. But have fun with it.

    1. I can certainly understand not wanting to add another social media site. But if you change your mind, you can always join later. :-)

  10. Whew! Hope January is treating you well so far!
