No, not bring your own beer. I don't drink beer, you silly people. "Buy Your Own Bling".
I've run the Duke City half-marathon for 3 years in a row. And at the end of the race, do you know what they give? A finisher's pin. 13.1 miles for a finishers pin. I was whining about this injustice to my husband and declared that I should put my name in for the Nike women's half-marathon. I think I deserve something nicer than a finisher's pin.

I hope he remembers saying that. Because that's just what I did this past week.
It may not look like it to the casual passer-by, but in my mind, this new pendant represents 3 years of finisher pins. So there!
- Set-up! -
Coach admitted in email that he set me up for that negative split on Saturday. Can you believe it?! He purposely had my running partner speed up at the end, making me think I was falling off pace so that I would work just a little harder. That stinker!
"I have to play mind games with you. I hope you won't hold it against me," he said.
Are you kidding me? It was brilliant. Of course, I'm not falling for that next time, so he better have something else up his sleeve...
- Feb Totals -
The Numbers:
56.8 miles running
41.5 miles cycling
4 strength sessions
1 race - Sweetheart Run 5K
It was a good month. A very good month.
Keep on keepin' on.