Here's the deal. I really want to put ths injury behind me for good. So while cycling isn't on the banned list, I've decided to stay off my bike at least until next week. Here's what I've been up to:
More Swimming -I've been to the pool 4 times this week. Something cool happened, too. I met some guy who recognized that I was working on Total Immersion techniques. The next day, he brought me the video and a few articles on kicking from the hips.
Techno Geek Stuff - I spend all day yesterday trying to get info transfered from my old laptop to the fast shiny new one and debugging issues that I was having with wireless, email, etc. I'm pretty much up and running on the new one now. Then I loaded about 2.5 GB of music onto my laptop and into my new Sansa player (4 GB for $45 - thank you, Woot). I also have some research in the works regarding cell phones and carriers; that's the next upgrade on my list.
Event and Training Planning - Assuming my pain is gone for good in a few weeks, there are a few more events in September that I'd like to sign up for (Half Mary & Sprint Tri). I also have an Oly at the end of that month. I've had to rework my training plan, but I think it's still doable.
Have a great weekend everyone; don't forget to make lemonade with whatever lemons life throws your way!