Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fun-tastic Friday

Friday morning, daughter is played flute at State competition. She needed to be dropped off at 7:45 and picked up at about 9:10. The judged performances are closed door, so I had almost 1.5hrs to kill. I figured, what the heck, I'll use the time to go to the gym and swim.

There were two lanes open. Nice. This is apparently a good time to go to the gym from a crowd standpoint. I had enough time to expand my planned 1600yd workout to 2000yds total. I felt awesome.

Since the midschoolers had the day off school and I was off work, we had some of the band kids over after State to watch a movie, play a little guitar hero, and such. They left mid-afternoon and I was off for a long overdue hair appt. This time it's less layered and a little more bob-ish. Very cute.

Next it was time to return to the gym for my Friday Happy Hour Zumba!! I had more fun in the class this time than ever before. I think it's because I'm learning the moves and spent less time trying to figure out what they were doing. Fun stuff.

Have a greet weekend everyone!!


  1. Sounds like a great start to the weekend! Love the new hair! :)

  2. LOVE the hair!
    Great swim!
    I am starting to wish that we had Zumba in Chattanooga.
    Take Care

  3. I love days like that and I love your haircut.

  4. Vey spunky hairdo! Zumba sounds great fun :)

  5. Zumba must be serving you well-you look terrific!

  6. Very nice :-) I hope the hair stylin helps you swim faster :-D

  7. Sounds like a great Friday, and very nice haircut, too!

  8. Like the hair!


  9. You look radiant. And it's not just the hair. :-) But it reminds me that I've got to get to the hairdresser, too.

  10. Nice way to utilize the time during the competition. Your swim training sounds amazing!

  11. Love the new do! Reading about how much you're enjoying your Zumba class makes me want to see if my gym offers one.

  12. Cute hair!! Your hair looks so healthy!! I like it!

  13. The swimming sounds refreshing. Sounds like a great way to start the weekend.

  14. i like it! and you look happy too!

  15. Of course, I love the hair. I'm biased! Hey, it sounds like you've joined NMSW? If that's so, we should work out together some time!
