Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Snow in the desert

Could we possibly have a white Christmas? Seems unlikely. But then again, maybe, just maybe, since these are the scenes out the front and back of our house this morning.

Today will be a bike trainer (spinervals) and core day. With a few snowball fights and some snowman building thrown in for good measure. :)

Update: Accomplished the following: spinervals training ride, snowman, snowball fight.

Blew off: core workout - go figure! playing in the snow was more fun. :)


  1. ps...let me know on the shoes. I promise to make you a deal you can't turn down...

  2. That is a great snowman!

  3. Weird weather these days, hardly any snow in Chi-town these days.

    Playing in the snow is alwaya fun.

  4. Making snowmen IS you core workout. You get to count both.
