Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Whole Lotta Nuttin'

That pretty much sums up my training week so far. Also describes how much Apple Pie is remaining.

On Monday, It was really cold in the morning so attempted to run on the treadmill at the fitness center at work. I wanted to do 4 miles, but it was sooooo incredibly boring that I just couldn't take it and quit at 2. I have no idea why anyone would enjoy running on a treadmill, and I applaud those of you who don't enjoy it but have the willpower to do it anyway.

On Tuesday, I felt stuck at home until about 9:15 because my dog would not go outside and he needed to be outside because the cleaning people (who come every 2 weeks) were coming later that afternoon. Why wouldn't he go outside? Well, we have this little event known as the International Balloon Fiesta going on this week. There are somewhere near a thousand balloons registered. That's a whole lotta' balloons. Apparently, Bandit is TERRIFIED by the big scary balloon invasion and on Tuesday they were touching down all over our neighborhood.

Then there was today. I would have liked to bike to work. Instead, I had to drop off my car at the shop to have a tire repaired and do some other work. And this evening, I'm attending an event at Daughter's school.

Mabe the tides will turn tomorrow. Thursday is my scheduled strength workout at the gym. I'll probably go ahead and do that, and/or if I'm feeling brave I may give that treadmill another attempt.

On Friday, I really MUST run. I have a half-marathon in less than 2 weeks and at this rate I'm not going to be in any better position for it than last time. :(


  1. I don't always enjoy running on the treadmill, but when temps drop below 40 degrees and it is dark outside, there isn't much choice. Plus, put a good game on tv in front of me, tunes in my ears, and I can entertain myself quite well... I tend to daydream a lot!

  2. Sometimes life doesn't co-operate with our training. I know you'll do fine on tha half.

  3. So we both have a half marathon in two weeks? Cool! Now you have me running scared!

  4. Is it the 21st? Me too. I'm not sure what prepared is, but I know I am nervous. :D Hope you get a run in soon.

  5. the main thing is to say, well, that was a crummy week and move on, not berate yourslef - you don't need to carry the weight of self-blame, it will just amke you tired.
    As my daughter says 'that's all fimished now"

  6. Well, you knocked off an apple pie. That's an amazing accomplishment :-) I used to run on the dreadmill all the time. Now, I know why I quit. It does come through for me in a pinch, but like you, about 3 miles is all I can stand.

  7. That's kinda funny that Bandit was scared of the balloons, my dog, Scooter, would probably act the same way -- sometimes a blowing leaf freaks him out!

  8. Our dogs are freaking out with the balloons, too. The little one Lucy barks at them, and Lucy's barking scares our bigger dog.

    I think you'll do fine with the half marathon after enduring the Elephant Man Tri. This half will probably be easier for you than the Chips-n-Salsa. I haven't done one swim or bike ride since the tri :0

  9. You have another HM in 2 weeks?!? You did awesome at the last one! You'll be fine!!!

  10. Oops, my half isn't until the 28th...sorry.

    I've not had any problems with running on a treadmill as long as I have some good music (which I never run with outside.) The longest I've ever done on a treadmill is 16 miles. I know, I'm a freak. Again, sorry. ;-)

  11. The last time I got on the treadmill I actually enjoyed it... but I think that just shows how tired of running I am. You will be fine for your HM.

  12. I don't have a treadmill but I hate when I ride on the trainer. I am so thankful we have year round weather here to enjoy. I don't think I would be able to keep up if I had to rely on a treadmill. Nice job on the apple pie. :>)
