Friday, September 25, 2009

Tale of Two Runs

In celebration of Fall and Running, RunningLaur gave us the option to complete a virtual 5K or a virtual 5 miler. Being the overachiever that I am (or maybe just because it corresponded nicely to my training) I did both.

The 5K happened Tuesday as part of my 4 mile run with a negative split at the end. Backing out the first .9 miles (no way I'm not counting that sweet split at the end) my 5K time was 31:15, an average 10:05 pace - awesome tempo pace. I'm quite pleased with that one

The 5 miler happened Thursday as of my 6 mile easy run (executed as Plan B after bailing when it was dark and cold and early). I hit the 5 mile mark in 59:05, a pace of 11:49 - once again spot on for my target pace for an easy run. FYI, mile 6 was about 12:10 on that uphill climb back home.

So there you have it, a 5K in 31:15 and a 5 miler in 59:05.


  1. Great job on doing both!! :) Have a great weekend.

  2. Since I have been sick this week I am thinking of doing the 5 miler twice this weekend.. Or better known as a 10 miler.

    GREAT work!! Glad that you are back in the RUN.

  3. Look at you with the 5K AND 5 miles! Very nice.

  4. Wow! I like the way you roll. Way to go!

  5. Awesome! Look at you overachiever! Your tempo pace is awesome...that's about my tempo pace too. I wish I had friends in the area that were my speed.

    I haven't even done my Fall Five yet. Going to happen TODAY!

  6. good job on pacing! glad you didn't use the morning for such a glorious run

  7. That race bib still kills me. Too cute. Congrats on a great race.

  8. Lookin' good sistah! Have a great weekend and even more great running!

  9. Very nice 5K time!

  10. Helluva way to respond to yourPlan B...nice job!

  11. I can't wait until I can run for 5miles without having to stop and walk at some point.

  12. happy running! hope you have a good weekend.

  13. Overachiever. Most definitely :-)

    Nice job!

    Have a good weekend.

  14. Nice job! On your earlier post, whenever I even stop to reconsider my Plan A, it's all over. Although these days the dogs will remind me of my promises to get up early with them!

  15. Overachiever!!


    Great job on your runs!

  16. Nice runs. And that graph of the negative split four miler was a beautiful thing.

  17. Check that out! They were both really speedy too! Thanks for running and running!!

  18. Look at you, getting all speedy! Great job on the running.

    MCM Mama

  19. overachiever! nice job on both runs!
