Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Group" Run

My running group meets Tue & Thu evenings and Sat morning. Late last night, Coach sent an email saying he couldn't be there, and gave us the instruction to run 30mins.

Then someone else emailed they wouldn't be there. Then another one.

By the time we were supposed to meet up, it turned out to be just me and one other. No worries, we didn't need the others. Ha! We were committed to run.

But neither of us had a watch. I decided to bring my cell phone and use it to keep time. That didn't work out so well. We ended up going long and ran for 50mins instead. Oops.

But you know what? It felt great!


  1. Well there is nothing wrong with that! Good job getting out there.

  2. Woo hoo! You should get gold stars next to those extra twenty minutes on the training totals for the week. And maybe even a fun sticker for having a "group" run of two!

    And now I have that old hymn stuck in my head that says, "When two or three are met together, Thou art in the midst of them"! One of my favorites for sure but I don't know that I've ever thought it about running before. :D

  3. Kudos to you for getting out there and for doing extra! :)

  4. Nice job getting out there and going longer than planned.

  5. Well.. going a bit over is better!

  6. I bet the runners who cancelled will be disappointed they missed such a great run. :)

  7. I hate when that happens, don't you feel better inside that your committed?

  8. way to overachieve...coach must be proud.

  9. Nice job on the extra minutes!

  10. Obviously you enjoyed it! or you would have found an excuse to stop sooner. Nice!!

  11. I think a lot of folks wouldn't have even bothered to show up knowing others were not going to be there. You deserve a big pat on the back!

  12. Awesome job getting out there and running. 50 minutes is wonderful. Keep up the good work.

  13. YAY for running long!!!

    Keep it going chica!!!

  14. Yay for a great run!! They come up at unexpected times sometimes :)

  15. resourceful that's what we runners are!

  16. oooh you naughty girl!! I hope your coach doesn't make you do pushups as a punishment :P

  17. As long as it felt good, that's all that matters, right??!

    BTW, thanks for the info on the knee issue. If you want to and have time, feel free to drop me a line in an email and tell me a little more about your story. Thanks!

    teacherwoman80 at gmail dot com

  18. I have found that I can get too obsessive over my watch and the time, so sometimes I just leave it at home and find it can be really relaxing! Good job getting out there!

  19. Holy crap!!! How do you over shoot by 20 minutes? I guess it worked out ok though :-)
