Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday Smiles

It's been a good day. The kind that makes me sit back and smile. And not just because I have a delicious piece of home made apple pie with my name on it to be served heated up and topped with vanilla ice cream. Less I digress. No, I've got plenty to smile about today.

It all started when I woke up at ~7am and checked the weather. For the last few days it has been quite cold and windy. Today, however, it was expected be around 30deg with no wind in the mid-morning. Great news because I was planning to meet the folks in my running group again that are marathon training.

I opted to wear my sugoi mid-zero tights, a thermal headband, a long sleeve sugoi mid-zero shirt over a long sleeve baselayer, and gloves. Brought along my fuel belt with three bottles of accelerade, one bottle water, and my cell phone. Grabbed the ipod and garmin and was off.

They were running 18 miles today, but I only wanted to run about 8. So I walked about 0.8 from the parking lot near their turn point to the spot along the multi-use trail where I would join them. This portion of the trail is popular with dog-walkers, runners, and cyclists and can be almost crowded on a Saturday, but on this cold morning there was no-one in sight. It was a bit eerie.

I ended up running with them for about 8.3 miles. I really don't think we saw more than a dozen people on the trail the entire time we were out there. Very odd. We did a .3 mile walk as a cool-down to the parking lot where their cars were located and one of them gave me a ride back up to the lot where my car was (9 miles away). I felt pretty good while out there, but my knee did act up right near the end. Not quite sure what that was all about, maybe from running on the hard surface most of the way? This is one of the reasons I prefer dirt.

When I arrived home, Husband texted me asking if I wanted to meet him out for lunch. Unfortunately, he got stuck working today. However, a lunch date sounded great. I quickly showered so I could meet him at Pei Wei. Daughter was happy about that too, because it meant I would be bringing home leftovers for her.

After lunch, I checked the mail. Guess what I found? None other than the first issue of my new subscription to TrailRunner along with a pair of defeet socks. Woot! I can already tell that I'm going to love this magazine. This motivated me to take the dogs for a 2 mile walk up the hill. My knee wasn't bothering me anymore, so I'm hoping it will be okay next time I run.

My totals by the end of the day were 8.3 miles running, 3.1 miles walking, a lunch date, 1 new magazine, and a pair of socks. That's plenty to smile about, don't you think?

Now excuse me while I serve myself that pie...


  1. Sounds like a good run. Someone recommended those socks to me. Did you buy them or win them?

  2. neither. They came with the magazine subscription. :-D

  3. Yay so glad you had such a wonderful day! I love days like that :)

  4. PS: How do those tights fit?? I think I'm going to order some cause I have a coupon code for sugoi but don't want to get ones that are too big or too small!

  5. Awesome! That sounds like a fabulous day! Way to go on the run! :0)

  6. Socks with a magazine subscription - cool! Let us know how the magazine is! :)

  7. That's plenty to smile about!
    I hope your knee doesn't give you any more trouble.
    And I love Pei Wei too! :)

  8. i can't believe you waited til after writing a post to have pie! ;) great running! hope the knee is doing ok today. were the socks free with the mag? pretty cool, if so.

  9. (oh nevermind, i am blind. i see your comment now about the socks coming w/ the mag!)

  10. It sounds like a great Saturday indeed! I hope the knee pain was just a blip and is better now!

  11. Sounds like a great day! I love to get new things in the mail :)

  12. sounds like a pretty awesome Saturday to me. oh, did you say PIE? :-)

  13. Pie after blogging, thats dedication, not sure if I could have that kind of will power

  14. Sweet! I had no idea there was a magazine about trail running. But of course there is! I must check it out.
