Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven." -- Johannes A. Gaertner

This Thanksgiving is a bit weird for us. For the first time in years, my in-laws opted not to drive down to join us and Son is celebrating with a friend's family in California. Daughter is heading to Boyfriend's house for an early Thanksgiving meal, then the two of them will join us for our Thanksgiving dinner. For most of the day, it will be just Husband & I. So different from the hustle and bustle of Thanksgivings past.

But we have plenty to be thankful for, and I've learned to enjoy each new day as it comes rather than long for what was. Our children are turning into wonderful young people with vibrant lives and new friends. We get to share our holiday with Daughter's boyfriend this year. Son won't be here today, but he's coming home for Christmas break in three short weeks. The in-laws aren't making the drive down this weekend, but we expect to see them sometime while Son is home. Meanwhile, Husband & I will relish our alone time and the low stress nature of our holiday this year.

I opted not to do a Turkey Trot this year. Mostly because my back was bothering me again earlier this week, but also because I just ran a race a week and a half ago and we have another on the calendar for next weekend. It just seemed like too much to add in another race today. If my back settles down and the weather isn't too bad, I'll head out sometime later this morning for a run. Perhaps I'll even be able to talk Husband into joining me.

Have a blessed day, friends!


  1. Enjoy your low-key Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy the low stress day and I hope your back feels better soon.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving :) Enjoy your day!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I think it's smart not to race today when you've got so many other races going on!

  5. At least you'll still be with your love =) Happy Thanksgiving Lisa! =)

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you Lisa :)

  7. Hope your back feels better soon and I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving! :0)

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Gobble Wobble!!!

  9. I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Lisa!!
