Sunday, February 24, 2008

Almost Back

Well that sucked. I basically lost over a week of my life to the stupid flu. I've accomplished absolutely nothing, and I'm still not exactly back to normal. I hate being sick.

I'm hoping to wake up tomorrow feeling well enough to get to the gym for the first time in over a week. I really want to run a half marathon in April and am way behind on training now having lost two full weekends to the stupid flu (Have I mentioned that being sick sucks?). Anyway, I'm determined to get to the starting line on pure will power if necessary.

The 10miler in March? That probably won't happen now.

On a brighter note, we've booked travel to the Big Island for spring break. We'll be heading out a few days after our 19th wedding anniversary. I can't wait. :)


  1. Hey.. glad you feeling better! Don't sweat too much about it and make sure you're doing ok. Two weeks is ok for an April race, just shuffle your plan around a bit based on how you feel.

  2. 19 years? WOW! Congrats.

    We did go to Hilo on the day we drove all around the entire island. It was pretty cool - like a bigger city though. The best beaches are down by the resorts. The black beach was hard to find - there arn't big signs for things, so you can easily miss streets. But it was fun cruising around.

  3. With your base you will be fine by April. Trust your training and your will power!
    Ooooh Hawaii? You lucky duck!!

  4. You sure being sick sucks?

    Yes, It truely does.. Glad you are felling better..

    Like the idea of getting through the half mary on will power alone.. You can do it..

  5. Always a silver lining, huh? I'm glad you feel better now :-)

  6. Glad to hear you are doing better. This flu going around is a nasty one!

  7. The flu is everywhere! I have a friend who is tough as nails and this flu has put her in bed for three weeks!
    19 years...WOW! I know you will have a great trip - that is one place that I want to go that I have not been!
    Take Care!

  8. Glad you are feeling better. All three of my boys had the flu last week. No fun. 19 years coming up huh? That's great!!

  9. Glad you are on the road to recovery! A trip to the Big Island sounds mahhhhvelous :-)

  10. Glad you're feeling better. This year's flu is pretty awful.

    Wow...Hawaii!! That will be a blast!

  11. Feel better. 19 years is pretty awesome!

  12. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Being sick absolutely sucks, but you'll be able to make up for what you missed!

  13. Glad you're feeling brighter - just listen to your body if you've had the flu.... get back into things easy, I'm sure you can get your schedule back.

    ... As for the holiday... 19 years.. WOW.... you both deserve to spoil yourselves!

  14. Glad you're feeling better.

    19 years? That's so awesome!

  15. I am glad you are feeling better! I remember getting the flu right before my first 5K and just being beyond bummed out. You will be back in no time, I know it!

  16. I hope you feel better.

  17. Welcome back. Be well.
    Congratulations on 19 years. Enjoy.
    Good luck with the training. Take care getting back to it.

  18. Congrats on the 19 year anniversary! Hope you're feeling 100% soon.

  19. We used to go to Hawaii a lot during spring break (we still call it spring break since he teaches). Have a wonderful time...there's no place I'd rather go!
