Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

Ever feel like everything is conspiring against you?

First there is the bathroom scale, who obviously is in cahoots with the dishwasher. My theory: Dishwasher was tired of washing pots and pans and such from all the holiday goodies and decided to put an end to that by convincing Scale to produce higher and higher number until I finally stopped making the holiday goodies so that Dishwasher could take it easy.

Next, the Pool at the gym. First it was closed due to pump failure. Then the pump was fixed, but the heater wasnt working. Now the whole thing is closed down due to electrical failure. I showed up bright and early for a 6am 2500m swim workout, found the pool closed, grumbled, came home, grumbled some more, then proceeded to fill up time with a functional core and upper body strength workout. My theory: The Weights, Physioball, & Elastic Bands have been feeling left out. Week after week they appear on my schedule, but often sit in the corner untouched. Unsure how to get my attention, they somehow got in contact with Pool, who has been seeing a lot of me lately, and simply wanted a break.

A warning to Bike, Running Shoes, & Alarm Clock - don't even think about it! I'm keeping close eye on you...


  1. Be careful! You are being channeled by unseen forces. I would expect nice things to happen in the future :-)

  2. Heh heh heh... Conspiracy theory is figuring high in my mind now as I sit in a three star hotel room in Munich pondering my 4 days of travel for a single day of workshops... Someone high up there in management may not have thought this workshop through totally.... :D

    Kudos to you for swapping the swim with the strength workout. Some would've just gone for a coffee.

  3. I would have taken advantage of the closed pool to go back to sleep. Good for you for getting in a workout anyway. I might unplug the alarm clock in case he gets any ideas. (maybe that's only because I've got to pre-schooler alarm clocks to prevent over sleeping) Good luck.

  4. I call this particular phenomena the "how badly do you want to train today" phenomena. And I HATE being asked that question!

  5. I have a room full of core/functional training stuff, books too. It seems to never get used. So I know how you feel.

    I also really hate when you plan to go for a swim, it is freezing or does not work, or just plain bad.

    Hope your pool gets fixed soon.

  6. Good for you, you still worked out!!! Many people would have blown off working out if they had to change plans (not most triathletes I think).

  7. Hey, I always thought objects have a mind of their own and do their own thing. What do we poor mortals know?

  8. That's too funny!

  9. Way to spot the pattern and anticipate! Hope your surveillance is a success and you bike & run at an early (is this really what you want?) hour!
