Monday, April 9, 2012

Double Trouble

If you read my previous post, you know that I ran 6 hilly miles Saturday morning as part of the jelly bean virtual race (and it you didn't read it, you missed out on one of my more colorful posts).

Well, decided to follow that up with a bike ride with Husband later in the afternoon. We had a 28 mile route on the agenda.  It was my first double workout in 2012.  Go me!

Felt pretty good on the bike.  Afterwards, however, I was tired and sore. 

On Sunday, decided to go for another short ride.  The goal was a 16 mile route with 2 hills.  I guess that was too much for my body, because I pretty much ran out of steam heading up hill #1.  Ended up calling it at day at 9.5 miles, skipping hill #2.  

I was bummed out about cutting the ride short, but in the end I realized that I still managed to get in over 37 miles by bike for the weekend. Plus a 6 mile hilly run.  Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Today, however, I am REALLY sore.  Good thing it's a rest day!


  1. You were sore and tired after the first double day of the year? Imagine that! I can't wait. good job!

  2. Nice job on the double work out! I haven't done one of those in quite some time and don't see any on the immediate horizon. The final stretch of the semester requires extra motivation to even get in one work out in a day. :)

  3. awesome job! Mondays are my rest day...I now like Mondays.

  4. Good job!! Don't worry about cutting short, you did the right thing and listened to your body.

  5. Not bad, even if I say so myself! Good on you!

  6. Definitely a big training weekend! No shame in listening to your body.

  7. Nice work! I kind of want to get out for a ride but since I struggled thru 30 min on a stationary bike... I'm not sure I could handle a "real" bike ride yet haha.

  8. I bet that soreness was the good kind! Good job getting a doubles in.
    You are tagged on my blog

  9. Double workout ... do you have a secret goal in the near future?
