Thursday, June 23, 2011

Three Things Thursday

Up in Smoke: While parts of the country are dealing with flooding and/or too much rain in general, we're dealing with the opposite, drought. So far we've had less than a quarter inch of rain since the beginning of the year. Granted, we usually don't get too much rain, but that is a ridiculously low amount. There are already several wildfires in the area, so over the past week, all of the wooded running trails have been closed down due to extreme fire danger. That makes me sad. We can still run on the paved trails though, which is good. I'm thinking that it may be time to try a rain dance....

Who's on First?: Getting ready for my bike ride yesterday I realized that my front tire was flat again
so I decided to fix it properly rather than top it off and hope to make it through my ride. Flipped my bike over, found the offending thorn and removed it from the tire, took off the wheel, took off the tire, removed the tube, replaced the tube, started pumping it up. Hisssssssss. What the?? Then I realized that I had put the bad tube back in, the new tube was still neatly wrapped up with a rubber band on the ground! Finally got the new tube in, and the tire inflated, and was on my way. But geeeez, am I a moron sometimes or what?!?

Splish Splash: If I do sign up for the Patriot, it's a seeded swim time start, so I need to submit a time. Timed another 400 in the pool this weekend. Two weeks ago, I got 9:00 even. This week, 8:59. Those aren't stellar times for someone on a high school swim, but for a middle aged recreational triathlete, not so bad. Hey, I'm consistent if nothing else!


  1. I'm not a swimmer. I float. It's because (my wife says) I'm full of gas!

  2. Your bike repair sounds like something I would do.

  3. so you got some extra tire changing training in, eh? :-)

  4. Well done on fixing the tire, even if you flubbed on the first try. I don't think I even know how to change a tire on a bike! I would be so screwed!

    Good job on the consistent swims! Wanna come teach me how to do that?

  5. Yikes, I hope you get some rain soon! That sounds brutal.

    Changing a tube... oh dear, I hope I never get a flat! Who knows what I could end up doing!

  6. We're getting tons of the wet stuff. I cancelled our track session yesterday because of it!

  7. The bike is totally something I would do...not kidding.

  8. The biking is a pain in the butt. All the gears, and tubes, and maintenance. Sheesh! If I didn't love the tri so much I'd pass. Well done on fixing that stuff yourself.

    I hope those fires cease and you get some rain!

  9. - I have done that with the bike before, your not alone

  10. We've got tons of wildfires on the NC coastline right now too. The smoke is even drifting into Raleigh. Not cool.

    Hope your drought ends soon. And yay for consistent swim times! I'll take consistent over dropping any day.

  11. Oh no!! Extra tyre changing practice is good, but a pain!
    I hate it when there are fires around, there's always a sense of unease in the air, (not to mention being harder to breathe). (hugs)

  12. i won't lie, I am a tough chick...but I play dumb and helpless with tires

  13. The swim time sounds great to me.

  14. LOL. At least you are an expert at changing tire tubes now? :) hope you get some rain soon!!

  15. Hope you get some rain -- wish I could send you some of ours. It seems like rain is in the forecast for at least part of every day around here.

  16. Well done for changing the tube yourself! :) You won't believe how many women would let hubby do that!

  17. I have never changed a tube: you are better than me!
    Very good job on the swim.
