Friday, October 17, 2008

Turtle Tidbits

Last night was the last group run with my running group for 2008. Most of them will be there Sunday, but it was sad to say goodbye at the end of the run.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but the group is called the Turtle Club. I think that may hve been what drew me to the group. That an the fact that we're being coached by an awesome athlete and really nice person.

As it turns out, there are really only two of us that qualify as turtles, but the name stuck anyway.

I'm thrilled that our group shirts have a turtle logo. I'll be wearing one of them (a white sleeveless) one under a long sleeve shirt at the race on Sunday. I expect to take off the long sleeves and tie it around my waist at some point during the race. I hope the turtle shows up in some race photos.

Coach started taking registrations for next year and I've already signed on to secure my spot. Now to figure out what to do with myself without the structure of the group during the off season...


  1. LOL how cute is that! No wonder you picked that club out :P

  2. It sounds like a great group. Nice to hear you will be able to train with them again next year.

  3. How awesome is that!! You have fun this weekend!! Knock'em dead!

  4. It's great that you had a nice group to train with. Have fun this weekend!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  5. I would have picked that group for the same reason. Have fun this weekend!

  6. So what qualifies you to be allowed to call yourself a turtle? Endless wisdom and old age? :-) I don't want to hear about being slow or any of that. :-)

  7. I feel the exact same way about the swim group that I signed up with.


  8. I can't wait for pics!

    Have a great race! Good Luck!

  9. That sounds like such a fun running group...glad you're doing it again next year.

    Good luck and have lots of fun on Sunday!!!

  10. Sorry to hear about the last run with your fellow turtles... but, there will be next year! I kind of wish I had a running group here.

  11. Cool, you found a running club that matches your blog..

    It is always great to find people to run with.

  12. looking forward to seeing the t-shirt!

  13. Good luck tomorrow :)

  14. Go TURTLE GO! Good luck on your race tomorrow!

  15. Nice to have such group support & turtles too!

    Good Luck Lisa...can hardly wait to see your pic's and your turtle shirt!


  16. GOOD LUCK!! (yes, I am shouting, sorry)

    I will be sending 'good knee' and 'inner bunny' vibes your way all day! You are going to do great! I can feel it!

    Your run club sounds so cool! (you must post a picture of the shirt!) I have been wanting to join a run club, but I am too chicken. It is one thing to be last at a race, but to be last at weekly workouts gets old.

  17. Um, I was talking about me being last not you. On re-read that sounded weird. Sorry!

  18. Good luck my running friend!!! I know you will do great!!!

    Just do this:
    Run Lisa Run!!!!

  19. Our running club goes year round so I never have to worry about the missing structure. I like the turtle theme.

  20. Good luck!

    And maybe you can find some buddies to run with???
