Thursday, December 27, 2007

re-framing at its finest

shattered glass ornaments = reason to explore after Christmas sales

below freezing mornings = opportunity to spend more time at the gym

two extra apples-to-apples games = $60 giftcard at Borders

crazed teenagers stuck at home for two weeks = family time

upcoming freezing cold New Years morning = trail run with husband

holiday food temptations = weight challenge reward seems all the more sweet...

nine on the ninth = just what I needed


  1. OMG, I SO need a re-frame. My husband I were just talking about it. It's all in how you sell it. Even to yourself.

    You're a doll :D THANKS.

  2. Running the trails on new years. way cool..

    I'll still trade your below freezing temp for ours in the windy city..

    That 9th on the 9th sounds like fun...

  3. I agree w/ ya Lisa. We can either focus on the negatives or the positives. It's our choice.

  4. That's a great way to re-think situations that seem like a problem. Well, except the 9 on the 9th -- that's just a glorious idea!

  5. ha! Quite a "re-framing" there :-) I love it!!

  6. Way to think positive Lisa ;D ;D

  7. Great attitude, Lisa :)

    You're a good influence on me, for now I'm thinking of all my extra holiday weight as good fat to keep me warm in the freezing cold.

  8. Wendy,

    Belated Merry Christmas...Apples to apples..oh that's fun. I love playing Taboo as well.

  9. Great Post--keeping it all in perspective!!

  10. Great thougts. Hey Lisa you may have already done this but i tagged you..

  11. I'll try that too - getting lost on my bike = extra km!

  12. Happy New Year! I am so glad to have found you this past year. I hope to meet up with you some day.

  13. I need to do that! Good job, and thanks for sharing.

  14. Great positive thinking! Give me more throughout 2008 to keep me focused! Thanks!
