Saturday, August 15, 2009


The Good

* Got up and met with the run group for my long run as planned.

The Bad

* Was experiencing tight/sore glutes Friday. Did some stretching, but didn't get all the tightness worked out.
* It was bad Saturday morning before I left the house. This didn't bode well for the upcoming run...

The Ugly

* Anyone want to guess where in my run I really started having trouble? Tight glutes led to a sore back and then knee pain. I know better than to run with an injury/issue. I should have postponed the run a day and spent more time loosening up. *sigh*

Plan B

* I don't think my body can handle running 4 days a week without injury/issues. Switching back to 3 days a week of running. Will move Wed easy run to Tuesday. Doing Tuesday Temp/Steady run on Thursday. Skipping Thursday speedwork all together. Backfill with more cross-training. My body should like that.


  1. nice job getting the long run're wise to listen to your body...running through injury can lead to more injuries...

  2. nothing like sore butt muscles to ruin a run! I hope you recover soon!!

  3. Why mess with a good thing? If 3 days works, stick to it!

  4. Liking your flexibility. And, it sounds like you know what you need to do to keep from getting injured!

  5. Sorry for the not so hot run. Sounds like you have a good plan to keep injuries at bay.

  6. Good job listening to your body. I found a similar thing when I tried to increase to 5 days of running. My body just couldn't take it, even when it was the same number of miles.

    MCM Mama

  7. Good job listening to your body and knowing what is best for it !

  8. Smart to listen when your body is talking. Also great idea to be flexible and change things up.

  9. Absolutely listen to your body! No need to risk aggravating anything.

  10. Sigh..hindsight is a hard master. I only run 3x week, plus 2-3x cross training - so far so good with injuries. You'll work out what's right for you

  11. Alright girl - at least you know you need to run three days instead of four. That's quite mature of you. ;)

  12. Rest is when the adaptation happens. As we get older, our bodies take longer between training sessions to fully recover. So nothing wrong with fewer sessions. You are doing the right thing and it will you probably faster and stronger quicker.

  13. Do what works for you!! :) If 3 days a week works, then do it! Don't get hung up about nixing a day!

  14. You could do a fourth day. Just need to ease into it maybe? Start small, easy, then as your body gets used to it, pick it up...

  15. if you can be happy and fit and healthy at 3 days then that's just perfect. Maybe after awhile you will feel like things are strong enough to increase by a day...and maybe you won't even want to!

  16. The important thing is that you're listening to your body and making adjustments as needed to prevent these injuries and issues.
