Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two-fer (or maybe it was a Three-fer)

For some reason, I woke up early this morning. Since I was up, I figured I'd head out for an early swim before doing my scheduled strength workout.

I got to the pool and found an open lane. Nice. Decided to time my first 400, and then do the rest of the workout without a watch. Here it is in 100 increments

My 100 splits for the first 400

1:51 <- always go out fast

For me, that's pretty darn good. I enjoyed my time at the pool with the expection of some creepy guy in the lane next to me who seemed to want to strike up a conversation while I was swimming. Bleck!

After swimming, I headed off for my lower body strength work and a little bit of abs and with some stretching. It was a good workout and my quad was still doing okay.

I was feeling pretty good about my swim/strength morning, but wasn't looking forward to the track workout with the group this evening: 1 mile warm up, then 3x800M HARD with 400M Walk/Jog in between. Ick. Nothing about that sounds appealing, but I did it anyway.

My 800 times surprised me.


While the last two are close to my pace target, that first one was smokin' fast for this body. What amazes me is that I was able to pull this off after the swim/strength work this morning.

All in all, a solid good workout day. I expect to sleep well. :-)


  1. You're kicking some serious butt! Well done! Glad the quad is still feeling good. :)

  2. Love when a great workout sneeks up on you like that.

  3. You had a very productive day. And what's with the guy trying to talk to you while you swim? That has to be worse than someone trying to chat when you're on a treadmill, eh? What a dummy.

  4. Yeah...I don't get that...how can you talk and swim at the same time? (Talk and run/bike I get, but swim?)

  5. My body sometimes surprises me too. I may feel quite weary and then my body does this strange thing and just runs like the wind.
    Other times I feel real good and every mile is a struggle.

    You must have slept quite well after all that exercise!

    http://www.momshomerun.blogspot.com (so you know where to look in my long list of blogs...)

  6. Great, solid work! And yes, I'm sure you'll be sleeping well. :)

  7. What a great day:) Sleep well!

  8. Nice!

    The pool is calling my name...SHHHAAANNNOOONN....I'm ignoring that bitch!

  9. Great day!
    It could be those hills. I really believe that they make you stronger/faster. Whatever it is, great job!

  10. Why is there always a creepy guy?

    Looks terrific! After reading this post, I'm thinking I need to get back into lap swimming.

    Have a great day!

  11. Man, that's some good working out!

  12. smokin! Maybe the creep guy motivated you :-D

  13. I bet you slept like a wee baby. Great workout. I am feeling like I need to add in some pool time!

  14. ok the gym balance of takling and working out is hard for me. I just want to workout, but I feel like as a good person I should try to take the time to talk to people but I don't want to

  15. I always seem to run better after a swim or bike. That might have helped you too. Or you're just getting faster than you think!

  16. nice job on ALL those workouts!!!

  17. You're doing great! Keep it up!

    MCM Mama

  18. Nice work! I hate when the creepers want to carry on a conversation in the pool....

  19. Nice JOB!! That's a workout and a half.
