Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This and That

* There's another 50 mile ride this weekend with a similar climb to the albq century. We seriously though about doing it, but it just seems too soon. We might have missed the registration deadline anyway. I do wish to do another, but want to spread things out a bit to keep them all special in my mind.

* Had a track workout with the group tonight. We did a 1 mi warm-up, 4x600 at 10K pace with 400 walk/jog in between. Let's just say that was not my favorite workout. However, we're doing hills on Thursday and I'm looking forward to that.

* Thinking about maybe doing an evening 5K next weekend. Evening isn't my favorite race time, but it does mix things up a bit.

* Not sure if I mentioned that I got daughter a student special gym membership for the summer and she *finally* used it for the first time yesterday. My hope is that she gets in the habit of going 2-3 times per week, but I'm not pushing it.

* I'm excited about my newest cycle jersey. Rather than try to describe it, I'm hoping to get a photo - maybe tomorrow morning if I can get my lazy butt out of bed to cycle commute in as planned.

* Something about this time of year always zaps my energy. Was tired/yawning all day. What's up with that?!?!

* Finally got the paperwork that I needed to title/register/license my new car. Glad that's all taken care of. Celebrated by taking it to the car wash. Still lovin' my diesel Jetta Wagon.


  1. HI! Missed hearing about your adventures. Sounds like you're doing well!

  2. I can't wait to see the jersey! i recently decided I don't like a lot of my old jerseys since they're kind of short and that drives me crazy.

  3. I should start cycling because some of the jerseys are really cute. ;)

  4. Anything on the track is NOT my favorite workout. Once it involves intervals, I'm whining up a storm!

    My energy's been fine this time of year, but my motivation has disappeared! What's up with that?

  5. looking forward to seeing your jersey, i've been scoping them one lately! great job on the track work... even if it's not your fav.

  6. Personally, I like evening races, because I'm not a morning person, but they are rare races to find.

  7. I've never done an evening race but would like to try sometime.

    Good job on the speed workout. Those are killer.

  8. A night time 5k sounds like a lot of fun!

    Any kind of new workout clothing is always great. Looking forward to the pic of your cycle jersey!

  9. Looking forward to hills...ah, if only that were contagious, and I could send a little track love your way!

  10. I am super tired these days too. The heat definitely takes it out of me.

  11. Someday maybe I'll do a 50 mile bike ride. Right now I'm happy with short rides =).

    Funny, so many people say the heat zaps them, I get more energized b/c it's light out for so long!

  12. This time of year is one big *YAWN* :-) It's OK to not like a workout, but get it done anyways!!

  13. Can't wait to see the jersery. There's nothing I love more than running/workout clothes!

  14. I'm not sure how I feel about evening races either. I have one coming up next month...

  15. allergies having been making me tired and miserable.....maybe there are some pollens floating around you don't know about...

    bike jersey's, I'm just starting to get "into" those....

  16. I don't mind the speedwork that much. I HATE the MLR.

    Love your blog! Just found it.

  17. your good example will be bubbling away there in daughter's mind and will pop to the surface, don't uou worry. Wanna see the jersey now please!!

  18. good luck on the 50-miler this weekend! i've been wanting to try an evening race, never done one...
