Monday, February 6, 2012

Actual running and stuff

You'll all be shocked an amazed to find out that I finally went out and bought a notebook to log my 2012 activities in because I needed it.  Yes, that's right.  I actually ran!  and cycled!

The point is that I got out there and busted out 2.5 and 2.0 mile runs and my knee did not hurt one little bit. I also got out on my bike for a 12.0 mile ride.  

It was slow and sluggish and a whole lot harder than it should have been.  But that's not really the point.  I mean, everybody's got to start somewhere, right?  Besides, it was farther and faster than sitting on the couch eating cupcakes.

Now a dilemma.  The local Sweetheart Run is this coming weekend.  I'm even entertaining the idea of signing up to run the 5K with husband.  Kind of on the fence though.  I don't really need to pay money to slowly run a race just to celebrate that I'm able to run again.  I could just as easily run a 5K (or possibly try to go farther) on my own.  We shall see.


  1. you bought an actual notebook? That's so 22 seconds ago! Don't you have an app for that? :-)

  2. Glad to hear you're back out there and with no knee pain! I say go for the race because it will be fun :) you have plenty of time to run alone / run longer!

  3. I'm glad you were able to do some pain-free running! That's fantastic news!

  4. i vote do the race anyway. it's good to run slow with lots of other people and get a shirt. lol! welcome back lady!

  5. I'd probably save my moolah and go on an 'unofficial' sweethearts run with the hub! AWESOME that you can run!

  6. I buy the books too...I don't use phones for that kind of stuff, I have to SEE IT!

  7. After spending all that money on a notebook, how can you afford to race? HA

  8. I think running a race is a great way to celebrate being able to run again, even if it's slow!!

    Hooray for being able to get back to it!

  9. I think you should run with your sweetheart! :)

  10. Woot and woot! Yay for running and cycling!

  11. I love log books.... although like Wes I'm all app'd up on them now.. but when I find my old written ones I do quite like reading through them!

  12. That is all great! Celebrate with the race!

  13. Well done, the training log book is a good "friend". I have 2 log books: one is the RWs one and the other the old bloc-notes that I keep on filling since 1986.

  14. Welcome BACK!!! I like small races, even though when I run them slow. I like hanging out with runners and meeting some running friends :) In case you run, good luck!!
