Friday, March 9, 2007

According to my notebook...

I keep pretty simple training records. Nothing more sophisticated than a few notes in a notebook. But it works for me, and it's telling me that March is off to a good start.

My daily training volume hasn't been as high as I woud like, but I haven't logged any missed days. That's huge. By this time last month I was already beginning to log the first of what turned into a long stream of zeros with the note "Sick." I've learned that (for me) doing something is always better than doing nothing, if for no other reason than to maintain a positive attitude.

Great suggestions about doing functional at the hotel. That was my plan B on Wednesday. Plan A was to get down to the gym at 5:50am and hope to be the first to show up for the treadmill. Plan A actually worked!

Got back home late Wed evening, so I didn't get up early yesterday to go for my scheduled swim, so I swapped it with a bike ride after work (which was on the schedule for today). So today I will swim... [update : and swim I did! My swim workout totalled 2650. Now my shoulder is a bit sore]

Weekend has longer running and biking sessions planned, and it looks like the weatherman is no longer holding a grudge against me. Highs around 70 are forcasted both days. Yesssssss!

March is off to a good start, indeed.


  1. Yay! Way to kick off the month real good :-) I don't know about you, but swimming makes my butt sore, LOL.

  2. And I was excited about our forecasted 40s?? Oh, how you must have laughed!

    Have fun!

  3. I am excited about 40's also!!!

  4. Hey, that is a heat wave there.

    Glad your back to workouts again and back to your chipper self. Being sick does suck..

    Great swim, now take care of that shoulder.

  5. Just wanted to say hey! Looks like March is going to be great!

  6. Sounds like you are heading for an ironman real soon!

    Congrats on the great start and the nicer weather.
