Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fabulous Four

Taper must be messing with my mind, because I showed up to my running group lacking anything and everything resembling confidence. But I'm persistent if nothing else, and wanted to make something happen today.

With the race 5 days out, I needed this run for my mind more than I needed it for my body. I was doubting myself before, but now I'm back to believing in myself. I can and I will start out easy and pick it up at the end.

I'm ready.


  1. Nice pick up on the second half, especially mile 4 at sub-10!

  2. You are ready and you will do great!

  3. Good for you in navigating that mental mine field. You are SO ready. Nice job on the workout!

  4. I'm glad you're ready, that's important. ;)

  5. Taper always messes with the head. That's normal. Stay calm. You are ready. Good luck!

  6. You are so ready and it is awesome that you FEEL it. Congrats!

  7. "Im ready" probably the proudest words ever said by any athlete.

  8. Hi Lisa,
    Hell yes, you can do this!! You are going to be just fine:) Good luck to you!

  9. You will kick major ass! You are so ready!

  10. Well, persistence is the trademark moral of "the Tortoise and the Hare" so it seems fitting that you shouldput your head down and plow through what needed to be done! Great job!

  11. You are going to do great! I can't wait to hear all about your awesome race.

  12. I'm glad you got your confidence back..hold on to it tight...with the race beng so close. You are good to go...keep reminding yourself of that!

  13. Good luck at the big race! can't wait to hear how you do.

  14. You can do it!! I can't wait to hear all about it :) Have a wonderful weekend!
