Saturday, February 5, 2011

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Weather took a turn for the better. We're expecting a high in the low 40s today. Gas company is working on restoring service to those who have gone without for several days. Things are slowly getting back to normal.

However, the running group canceled today. Luckily, our small group of winter warriors agreed to meet a little later (at 10am instead of 8am) when it was supposed to be in the mid-twenties. The three others were running 10, I met them a mile into their run and did 8.

I was glad to get out there, but this run was a struggle. I hadn't run all week, and that's never a good thing. The bigger problem is that they were running at a faster pace that I could maintain. A mile in, I decided to drop back. I would have been okay running solo, but one of them stayed with me. I felt good about the run overall because I was still able to kick it up a notch at the end. I always like it when I can finish strong.

Next weekend is the Sweetheart Run. At this point, I'm not feeling very confident about being able to run 'fast' for a 5K. I think I'm going to try to run long on Friday and let the 5K be what it may. After all, I'll be running that one on my birthday, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate another year on this earth.

Have a great weekend folks. And stay warm!

Med accountability:
Sun: 2 mile hill walk
Mon: 1.2 mile walk, yoga
Tue: yoga
Wed: yoga, 30min snow shoveling, yoga
Thu: yoga
Fri: nada :-(
Sat: 8 mile run, 0.5 mile walk


  1. Glad to hear that the conditions are improving! Great job on your run!!

  2. Happy early birthday. I'm jealous of all that yoga you are doing--good for you!

  3. Glad to hear things are getting back to normal! It's been such a wicked winter in so many places this year.

  4. Yay that the weather is getting just a little better.
    Good job on finishing strongly.

  5. Look at that MED Accountability. I love it! ;)

  6. GRRRR... I missed this one...glad you hung in there with the brutal weather and even got a run in! nice!

  7. Good job on getting out there, isn't it amazing that 40 is considered a heat wave.

  8. Great job on the run in the coooold! The Sweetheart run sounds like fun! :0) Happy early birthday!

  9. Wow, I had NO idea that the weather was that bad for you all in NM. Stay safe and warm.

  10. Glad to hear that the things go better. I like the nickname "winter warriors".
    Indeed I don't know if you do the right thing running a long distance 2 days before the race. Good luck and happy early birthday!

  11. BR! I hope it's warmer now. Good luck with the Sweetheart run. I love your enthusiasm about running!

  12. It seems like it's always a struggle when your routine gets thrown off!

  13. Great job on your run!! I just came across your blog......I'm your newest follower!! :) I'd love for you to ck out mine, I just started a little over a wk ago.
