One the positive side, this latest back spasm issue is distracting me from the boredom of letting the injections heal my knee. I can think of several alternatives that I would have preferred as distractions, but in life you get what you get.
In my adult life, I've been to three different chiropractors. I really didn't like the first one very much, more of a traditional high impact chiropractic practice that was a little bit scary. Really like the second one though, he did something more akin to ART and everything was low impact. I always felt better after seeing him and nothing he did was scary. Unfortunately, he has retired and is no longer in practice. I then switched to someone who is somewhat in between in methods. She is mostly low impact, not the same as my favorite chiropractor, but much better than the first one.
I had been going monthly for maintenance, but had to cancel my last appointment and simply forgot to follow up later. With my favorite chiropractor, I never would forget to go. Since I'm sort of ambivalent toward this one's particular methods, it had't been a priority for me to go. As it turns out, I hadn't been to the chiropractor for several months when my back spasms hit. Perhaps not getting regular adjustments may have been a contributing factor.
So I'm back again. I've had appoints for Tuesday, Wednesday, and then again later today. On Tuesday, she sent me to a physical therapist for electro-stimulation and heat for my back as well as percussive therapy after the adjustment. I really didn't like how that stuff felt, but I do think it helped. Yesterday, I just got an adjustment. This morning my husband commented that I was standing up and walking with 'almost normal' posture. That's quite an improvement from where I've been all week, so I think the chiropractic adjustments have helped.
This afternoon I believe she wants to talk to me about setting up an appointment for getting therapeutic massage sometime next week as well. I think that's a good idea as well.
I think I want to continue seeing a chiropractor on an ongoing basis, but she may not be the right one for me. I hate the thought of starting over with someone new though. And with so many different chiropractors out there, it's not that easy to find the 'right' one.
How many of you have seen chiropractors? Have you had good experiences, bad, or a mixed bag?
Oh, and to get closer to topic. Husband is running a 5K on Saturday. I'm thinking of either signing up to walk the 5K or signing up for the 2.5K walk that is happening at the same venue. Alternatively, I may just go and be a cheerleader for him. It all depends on how I feel Saturday morning. Whatever I do will likely involve race day registration.