Thursday, August 23, 2012

We are T-2 days from Live.Love.Tri. I'm getting nervous/excited. This morning I did an easy 2 mile run, followed by an easy 8 mile bike.  I've been thinking about going to the pool as well, but haven't gotten past the thinking about it stage.

I have also been thinking about what I might wear and have come up with the following

Black mini-dots bra top, black sugoi tri shorts, florescent orange top (to be removed after the bike for the swim), chocolate hat for the run, and  funky animal print arm warmers *if* I need them, which I'll decide that morning.

The photo shows my running shoes.  Of course I'll also have my bike, bike shoes, helmet, & sunglasses (not pictured).  And swim cap/goggles.

Packet pick-up is tomorrow afternoon.  Last year I was in the first wave.  I think it was determined by order of signing up, not by age groups or run pace.  I signed up fairly early again this year, we'll see which wave I end up in, that may be the deciding factor on the arm warmers.  Later waves will be warmer as the sun get stronger. The race starts at 7. There are 8 total waves, each starting 5 minutes apart, so that last wave will be at 7:40.

Transition opens at 5am.  I'm going to try to be there at about 5:30.  Eek.  That sounds early.  

What am I forgetting?!?!?!


  1. That is exciting!!! Good luck!

  2. Yay! All the best! Have a lot of fun out there!

  3. Gosh! Excited for you!!

    Don't forget your number belt and post race treat!

    Good luck and have ouddles of FUN!

  4. Too early to get up. I would be tired already before the start.
