Sunday, October 14, 2007

Taper Schmaper

Saturday afternoon, I went 7.2miles with Hubby. He went further, but I'm not sure how much. He literaly runs circles around me when he tries to run 'with' me because can't match my slow pace. It must be funny to watch.

This morning, I went 8.5 miles total. I was happy to have the company of Shytrigirl for 3 of those miles. We were also escorted by some black dog for a couple miles(frustrating!!). My morning run ended with a 2 mile stretch up a hill and back. It sure is a lot easier to do that hill at the beginning of a run than it is at the end.

Add that to the 3 miles on Friday and I've covered about 18miles in the past 3 days. With a half-marathon one week out, I'm pretty sure that I'm violating all of the rules of tapering, but I really don't care. For my own sake, I needed to run more than I needed to taper. And you know what? I'm feeling a lot less stressed now. :)

One last random topic. A few of you have commented on the new photos that I put up. Thanks!! Once I got past how disgusing my body looks, I decided that I actually like that photo on the bike at Elephant Man. I don't recall seeing the photographer; so I think the smile was just an honest expression of how I was feeling at the time...happily enjoying such a beautiful morning. I do this stuff simply because I can, not because I'm any good at it. And when I'm out there, I feel alive beyond words. That photo is on my blog to remind me of the real point whenever I'm beating myself up about something as pointless as the length of time at which it takes me to traverse the course. :)


  1. The reason you don't see a good photo of me is that I don;t want anyone to see me running or biking. Maybe next year.

    Your photos are great.

  2. I like the new pictures as well. You look happy.

    Good luck with tapering this week on your way to your half next weekend.

  3. Pffffttttttttt forget the rules!!

    I LOVE that pic of you! You look great and HAPPY!!! I never noticed anything BUT the smile ;-)

  4. Don't give us that B.S. about not being "any good" at it. Success is not measured by time or a spot on the podium. We see through all that stuff. I like(d) the new pics too :-)

  5. Uh, I covered the photo comment in my last comment. As for the mileage, and taper, I know what you mean! You're ahead of me on distance though! I always feel like I haven't got all the training in, so how can I possibly taper?? I'm just taking it easier for the next 2 weeks.

  6. Disgusting?? You look great in that photo - healthy, strong, bursting with life and energy, and not one bit fat! Why are we so hard on ourselves???

  7. It IS a cute photo!

  8. That's a great picture!! You look happy and strong.

  9. I love your new pictures too and I can't remember if I said that in a previous post or not! But I especially love the one on the bike! It's a great shot!

  10. Please never describe your body as disgusting again, ok? The last three sentences in your post are what it's all about :)

  11. You are putting in some miles, girl! I'm glad you are less stressed now. I don't think I've seen a better race picture than yours. That smile says it all :)

  12. Glad you are feeling so great. That's what counts, isn't it? I did nothing near that, and I'm hoping I don't regret it next week for the half. Good luck!

  13. I think tapring is overrated anyways... Just keep your legs moving and you will do fine for the half mary..

    ps. that is a great picture of you from your race. On the new bikey too.. NICE

  14. I like the new pics! And good job on the runs.

  15. Fantastic pictures and agree with everyone else, You look ab fab. You seem to always have fun with it. Keep that going.

  16. I noticed the quote on the photo before I read your post and I just loved it. It made me smile. That picture is fantastic not just because you can but because you DO and you ARE! You inspire us all.
